Unlocking Efficiency with GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio Code

GitHub Copilot, a groundbreaking collaboration between GitHub and OpenAI, has revolutionized the coding experience by introducing an AI-powered code completion tool. While it doesn't integrate directly into Visual Studio, developers can harness…

Building Strong Software: The Simple Way with Clean Architecture

🏛️ Embracing the Elegance of Clean Architecture 🏛️ In the world of software development, the pursuit of clarity, maintainability, and scalability is an ongoing journey. One guiding light on this path is the concept of Clean Architecture. 🌟 What is…

What is Single Responsibility Principle?

v Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) states that a class should have only one responsibility .     v Or a class should have only one reason to change.    v Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) states that a class should have only one respons…

What is Open-closed Principle?

v Open-Closed Principle (OCP) states that software entities(classes, modules) should be open for extension , but closed for modification .     v Open-Closed Principle (OCP) states that software entities(classes, modules) should be open for extensi…

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