Can Abstract class be Sealed or Static in C#?

NO. Abstract class are used for inheritance, but sealed and static both will not allow the class to be inherited.

An abstract class cannot be declared as sealed or static.

Here's a brief explanation of the two concepts:

Sealed Class: A sealed class is a class that cannot be inherited by other classes. It is marked with the sealed keyword. Sealing a class prevents it from being used as a base class for other classes. However, abstract classes are designed to be inherited by derived classes, so it wouldn't make sense to declare an abstract class as sealed.

Static Class: A static class is a class that cannot be instantiated, and all its members must be static. Static classes are primarily used to provide utility functions or hold shared data. Abstract classes, on the other hand, are meant to be extended by derived classes and cannot be directly instantiated. Therefore, an abstract class cannot be declared as static.

Here's an example to illustrate these concepts:

// Sealed abstract class (Error: Invalid combination) public sealed abstract class MyBaseClass { public abstract void MyMethod(); } // Static abstract class (Error: Invalid combination) public static abstract class MyStaticClass { public abstract void MyMethod(); }

Both the sealed abstract and static abstract class declarations are not allowed in C#.


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