If a method is marked as virtual, do we must have to "override" it from the child class?

NO. Overriding virtual method is optional.

If a method is marked as virtual, it is not mandatory to override it in the child class. Marking a method as virtual simply means that the method can be overridden in derived classes, but it is not a requirement for all child classes to provide their own implementation.

When you mark a method as virtual, you are signaling that the method is designed to be extensible and that derived classes can customize the behavior by providing their own implementation if needed. If a child class decides not to override the virtual method, it will inherit the default behavior from the base class.

Here's an example:

public class Animal { public virtual void MakeSound() { Console.WriteLine("Animal makes a generic sound."); } } public class Dog : Animal { // This class does not override the virtual method MakeSound() } public class Cat : Animal { public override void MakeSound() { Console.WriteLine("Meow!"); } } public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Animal animal1 = new Dog(); Animal animal2 = new Cat(); animal1.MakeSound(); // Output: "Animal makes a generic sound." (default behavior from the base class) animal2.MakeSound(); // Output: "Meow!" (overridden behavior in the derived class) } }

In this example, the Animal class has a virtual method MakeSound(). The Dog class does not override this method, so it inherits the default implementation from the base class. On the other hand, the Cat class does override the MakeSound() method, providing its own implementation.

When we create instances of Dog and Cat and call the MakeSound() method, the output shows that the overridden behavior in the Cat class is used, while the default behavior from the base class is used for the Dog class, as it didn't provide its own implementation.


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