What are the basic string operations in C#?

C# provides a variety of basic string operations to manipulate and work with strings. Here are some of the most commonly used string operations in C#:


  • Two strings can be concatenated either by using a System.String.Concat or by using + operator.

string str1 = "This is one";

string str2 = "This is two";

string str2 = str1 + str2;

//Output: This is one This is two


  • Replace(a,b) is used to replace a string with another string.

string str1 = "This is one";

string str2 = str1.Replace(“one”, “two”);

//Output: This is two



  • Trim() is used to trim the white spaces in a  string at the end.

  string str1 = "This is one   ";


          //Output: "This is one“


  • Check if a string contains a pattern of substring or not.

         string str = "This is test";        

         bool result = str.Contains("test");

       //Output: true


These are just a few of the basic string operations in C#. The String class provides many more methods and properties for working with strings, such as searching, replacing, trimming, and more.


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