What are Generations in garbage collection?

  •  Garbage collection release the objects which are no longer needed.
  • .NET framework has a mechanism to decide which objects are no longer needed and that mechanism we call generations.
  • Generation is a mechanism to collect the short-lived objects more frequently than the longer-lived object.

In garbage collection, "generations" refer to different age categories or groups into which objects are organized based on their lifetime. The concept of generations helps optimize the garbage collection process by taking advantage of the observation that most objects become garbage relatively quickly after they are allocated.

In .NET's garbage collection, there are three generations: Generation 0, Generation 1, and Generation 2.

Generation 0: Generation 0 (Gen 0) represents the youngest generation. It contains short-lived objects that are recently allocated. Garbage collection in Gen 0 is very efficient because it involves only a small portion of the heap. Most objects in Gen 0 are expected to become garbage quickly, and those that survive multiple collections are promoted to the next generation.

Generation 1: Generation 1 (Gen 1) contains objects that have survived one or more garbage collections. It includes longer-lived objects that have been promoted from Gen 0. Garbage collection in Gen 1 involves a larger portion of the heap and is typically less frequent than in Gen 0.

Generation 2: Generation 2 (Gen 2) represents the oldest generation and contains objects that have survived multiple garbage collections. It includes long-lived objects such as static variables or objects that have been in memory for a considerable time. Garbage collection in Gen 2 involves the entire heap and occurs less frequently than in Gen 0 and Gen 1.

By dividing objects into generations, the garbage collector can prioritize its efforts and perform more targeted collections. Younger generations, which tend to have more short-lived objects, can be collected more frequently and quickly, while older generations can be collected less often since their objects are expected to have longer lifetimes.


class MyClass { public static void Main() { MyClass obj1 = new MyClass(); // Generation 0 MyClass obj2 = new MyClass(); // Generation 0 // Garbage collection occurs in Generation 0 // obj1 and obj2 are collected as they are no longer referenced MyClass obj3 = new MyClass(); // Generation 0 obj3.SomeMethod(); // Promoted to Generation 1 // Garbage collection occurs in Generation 1 // obj3 survives, but obj1 and obj2 are collected MyClass obj4 = new MyClass(); // Generation 0 obj4.SomeMethod(); // Promoted to Generation 1 obj4.SomeOtherMethod(); // Promoted to Generation 2 // Garbage collection occurs in Generation 2 // obj4 survives, obj3 is promoted to Generation 2 // obj1, obj2, and their associated memory are collected } public void SomeMethod() { // Some code here } public void SomeOtherMethod() { // Some other code here } }

In the above example, objects of MyClass are allocated at different times. Initially, objects obj1 and obj2 are allocated in Generation 0. After a garbage collection in Generation 0, they are collected since they are no longer referenced. Objects obj3 and obj4 are allocated later, and obj3 gets promoted to Generation 1 after a garbage collection in Generation 0. Finally, obj4 gets promoted to Generation 2 after a garbage collection in Generation 1. The garbage collector focuses its efforts on the appropriate generations, optimizing memory management based on the expected lifetime of the objects.

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