What is Boxing and Unboxing? Where to use Boxing and Unboxing in real applications?

We internally use boxing when item is added to Arraylist. And we use unboxing when item is extracted from Arraylist.

Boxing and unboxing are concepts in programming languages like C# that involve converting between value types and reference types. Here's an explanation of boxing and unboxing and some scenarios where they can be used in real applications:


  • Boxing is the process of converting a value type to an object type (reference type) by wrapping the value inside an object. The runtime creates a new object on the heap and copies the value from the stack to the heap.
  • Boxing is typically used when you need to treat a value type as an object or when you want to store value types in collections that require reference types.
  • One common scenario where boxing can be useful is when you need to store value types in non-generic collections like ArrayList or List.


int number = 42; object boxedNumber = number; // Boxing


  • Unboxing is the process of extracting a value type from an object by converting it back to its original value type. The value is copied from the heap to the stack.
  • Unboxing is necessary when you want to retrieve the original value of a boxed value type.
  • Unboxing should be performed only if you are sure that the object being unboxed is indeed of the expected value type. Otherwise, it may result in runtime errors.


object boxedNumber = 42; int number = (int)boxedNumber; // Unboxing  

While boxing and unboxing can be useful in certain scenarios, it's important to note that they involve performance overhead due to memory allocation, type conversions, and potential runtime errors. Therefore, it's generally recommended to minimize or avoid boxing and unboxing operations, especially in performance-critical code.

Here's a real-world scenario where boxing and unboxing can be used:

Suppose you have a system that stores values of different data types in a collection and you need to perform some common operations on those values, regardless of their actual types. In such a case, you can use boxing to store the values as objects in a collection, enabling you to treat them uniformly. Later, when you retrieve the values from the collection, you can unbox them to their respective value types for further processing.

ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); values.Add(42); // Boxing an int values.Add("Hello"); // Boxing a string foreach (object value in values) { if (value is int intValue) { // Unboxing and processing an int value Console.WriteLine("Integer value: " + intValue); } else if (value is string stringValue) { // Unboxing and processing a string value Console.WriteLine("String value: " + stringValue); } }

In this example, boxing is used to store both an integer (42) and a string ("Hello") in the ArrayList. Later, during iteration, the values are unboxed and processed based on their respective types.

Remember, while boxing and unboxing can be convenient in certain scenarios, it's generally recommended to consider alternative approaches, such as using generic collections or designing the code to work with specific value types directly, to avoid the performance overhead and potential errors associated with boxing and unboxing.


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