What is the difference between abstraction and abstract class?

Abstraction and abstract class are related concepts in object-oriented programming, but they serve different purposes.

Abstraction: Abstraction is a fundamental principle of object-oriented programming that focuses on representing essential features or behaviors of an object while hiding unnecessary details. It is the process of simplifying complex systems by identifying and modeling the most relevant aspects. Abstraction helps in managing complexity, enhancing code reusability, and providing a high-level view of the system.

Abstraction can be achieved through various mechanisms, such as classes, interfaces, and abstract classes. It involves creating a conceptual model that captures the common characteristics and behaviors of a group of objects.

Abstract Class: An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated and serves as a blueprint for other classes. It is declared using the abstract keyword. Abstract classes are meant to be extended by derived classes, which provide specific implementations for the abstract members defined in the abstract class.

Key characteristics of an abstract class include:

  • It may contain abstract methods, which are declared without an implementation and must be overridden by the derived classes.
  • It may contain non-abstract methods, properties, fields, and constructors, which can be inherited by derived classes as-is or can be overridden.
  • It cannot be directly instantiated; it serves as a base class for other classes.

Abstract classes provide a way to define common behavior and enforce a contract for derived classes while allowing them to provide their own implementations for specific behaviors.

In summary, abstraction is a broader concept that refers to the process of simplifying complex systems, while an abstract class is a specific construct in object-oriented programming that serves as a base for other classes and defines abstract and non-abstract members. Abstraction is a principle, while an abstract class is a concrete implementation of that principle.


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