What is Static constructor? What is the use of it in real applications?

A static constructor, also known as a type initializer, is a special constructor that is used to initialize static members of a class before any static member is accessed or any instance of the class is created. It is called automatically by the runtime before the first use of the class.

  • Static constructor is used to be called before any static member of a class is called.

Here are some key points about static constructors:


  • A static constructor does not take any parameters.
  • It does not have an access modifier (public, private, etc.) and is defined using the static keyword.
  • It is named the same as the class and does not have a return type.
  • It cannot be called directly; it is invoked automatically by the runtime.


  • A static constructor is executed only once, before any static member of the class is accessed or any instance of the class is created.
  • The exact timing of when the static constructor is called is determined by the runtime and is not under the developer's control.
  • If a class does not have a defined static constructor, the runtime will generate one automatically.

Initialization of Static Members:

  • The main purpose of a static constructor is to initialize static members of a class, such as static fields, properties, or other static variables.
  • Static constructors can be used to perform complex initialization tasks or set default values for static members.
  • Static constructors are particularly useful when the initialization of static members depends on some external factors or requires more complex logic.
  • Initializing configuration values or global settings for a class or application.
  • Setting up shared resources or establishing connections to databases, external services, or file systems.
  • Performing one-time setup tasks or initializing caches.
  • Ensuring thread safety or synchronization for static members.
  • Implementing custom logic for static members that require initialization.
Real-World Use Cases:

Here's an example that demonstrates the use of a static constructor:

public class Logger { private static string logFilePath; private static string logLevel; // Static constructor static Logger() { logFilePath = "log.txt"; logLevel = "Info"; } public static void Log(string message) { // Log the message to the log file based on the log level } }

In this example, the Logger class has a static constructor that initializes the logFilePath and logLevel static fields. These values can be used throughout the class to perform logging operations. The static constructor ensures that the necessary initialization is done before any other static member is accessed or any instance of the class is created.

In real applications, static constructors are often used to perform initialization tasks for static members and to ensure that necessary setup is done before their usage. They provide a way to control the initialization of shared resources or perform one-time initialization logic for static members of a class.


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